Please count calories for a day and consider where you're at compared to the "official" recommendations. You could use this site, or this one, or another - but pay extra attention to serving size - if its 300 calories per serving it really makes a difference whether you ate a half serving or 2 servings.
Please also focus for a day on the actual sensual experience of the food - tastes, textures, smells, colors, tanginess, wetness, etc.
Post a few excerpts (descriptions of the food, and the circumstances of your eating) along with photos for 2 or more meals. Please also include several paragraphs of analysis - you could focus on:
a. examining the nutrition angle
b. your physical experience of the food (not just what you enjoyed the most or the least or barely noticed - which is description - but analysis - why, connections, theories, questions)
c. your thinking and feeling about the food you ate over the 48 hours - why did you pick that food? Do you feel good about the food you ate over the 48 hours?
As in all posts, please edit, proofread, and revise for clarity, readability, beauty, and insight.
Due Friday, October 1, at 8:30pm.