To investigate dominant social practices, hidden in plain sight, that infuse/inflect/define our lives - especially those around food, illness & dying, birth, the care of the dead, and prom - so that we can live more wisely.

Monday, October 4, 2010

HW 7 - Reading Response Monday

Please read the introduction, chapter 1, and chapter 2 of your assigned book.

Please write a very short post which includes the following for each chapter (edited and sharpened):
  • Author and title of book, which chapter it is:
  • A summary of 3-4 sentences in "precis" form - which means you write it as a super-condensed version of the chapter, as though you were the author (so no, "It is basically about" or "The author is sort of arguing").
  • Gems you found in that chapter (brilliant insights, great lines of writing). Just quote these or paraphrase them.
  • Your thoughts - a list of 2-5 interesting responses or questions or arguments you're thinking about in response to this chapter. First just get these down. Then go back and revise them so that they're powerful and punchy like a person wearing brass knuckles.

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