To investigate dominant social practices, hidden in plain sight, that infuse/inflect/define our lives - especially those around food, illness & dying, birth, the care of the dead, and prom - so that we can live more wisely.

Friday, December 17, 2010

HW 25 - Response to Sicko

For your response to Michael Moore's 2007 polemical examination of the problems, history, and alternatives to the US health care system please include the following components;
1. A one paragraph precis of 125 words or less - Michael Moore's 125 word version of the film, proportional to the film.

2. Evidence -
a. Two specific points of evidence that Michael Moore used to bolster his argument.
b. Why those pieces of evidence were important for supporting his thesis.
c. There was a controversy following Sicko's release instigated by people who questioned some of the evidence and arguments conveyed in the film. Please examine this source & one of Moore's responses. Also, this one, about halfway through includes a direct confrontation.
d. Additionally, please independently fact check one of those pieces of evidence by conducting your own research. Please evaluate whether the evidence used was legitimate and accurate and cite your sources.

3. Response -
Please write a 1-2 paragraph reaction to the movie. You can use the questions below to get yourself started.
What was most important in the excerpts of the movie that you watched? What ideas and feelings struck you as most crucial? How did the movie affect your perspective on the dominant social practices around illness & dying in our culture?

Due Tuesday, 8:30am December 21.

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