To investigate dominant social practices, hidden in plain sight, that infuse/inflect/define our lives - especially those around food, illness & dying, birth, the care of the dead, and prom - so that we can live more wisely.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

HW 52 - Third Third of the COTD Book

Please read the third third of your book, taking notes as you go along.

Write up a succinct precis of the third third of the book in a paragraph. Please remember that to write a precis you miniaturize the text, proportionally, in the author's voice, without quotes.

Then please list a handful of short quotes that you particularly enjoyed.

Finally, please write an analytical paragraph that BOTH connects the revelations of the book to another of the NiW major units AND demonstrates that you really read it and thought about it.

Must be posted by Sunday, May 7, at 10am.

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