Please conduct significant (several hours) of independent research regarding ONE or TWO specific aspects of the dominant practices around pregnancy & birth in our culture. Choose an aspect that you want to actually work on - whether in an academic, activist, or experiential way. Create the most specific and fascinating topic for research that you can.
I encourage you to start with the internet but don't end there. Make some phone calls, do a visit or two, look something up in a database or at the library.
Possible aspects to focus on;
1. _______
2. _______
3. NY legislation regarding hospital birth statistics
4. ACOG versus midwives arguments & power struggles
5. The birth process - from contractions to labor to birth to 1st hour
6. NYC abortion options
7. Adoptions in NYC
8. Factors influencing the choices around making babies
9. Particular group's rates and perspectives on childbirth
10. Ideal versus typical male roles during pregnancy & childbirth
11. Best practices for doctors to not dominate patients during this process
12. Becoming a doula
13. Becoming an OB/GYN
14. NYC hospitals and birth centers - statistics, contacts, perspectives
15. Organizations of people meeting in NYC around birth issues for advocacy and education
16. Pregnancy & birth as limit experience
17. Making sense of competing discourses around pregnancy & birth - participants, power networks, ideologies, money, practices.
18. The first hour after birth
19. Government support for pregnant women and mothers in poverty - if you're poor and becoming a mother in NYC what programs could help you and how would you apply?
20. Prenatal strengthening and nutrition and exercise and self-care
A. Create a short annotated bibliography of the 5-10 best sources you find. (another guide)
B. In a paragraph or two sketch out a way you could use your research to support a culminating project for this unit - an experiential or activist or academic project that allows you to become a contributing expert in discourses around this important topic.
Parts A & B of HW 41 should be posted by Friday, April 1, at 8:30am.
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