We've thought about, discussed, investigated, and read about dominant social practices around prom. In particular there has been some analysis of the aspects of conspicuous consumption, prom as a child's version of an aspirational rite of passage into adulthood (staying up all night!), and the relatively scripted sequence of activities. How do our explorations relate to prom as actually experienced by SOF students May 26, 2011?
If you participate in prom this week, please write up a 2-4 paragraph analysis of how the experience you and others shared relates to what we've learned. Which ideas or observations from the course resonate with what you noticed in real life? Which ideas or observations seemed off-base in light of Thursday night? What insights seem more available to you as a direct-participant rather than just a student of the ritual? What costs and benefits did you notice from having thought about the topic in a scholarly way before experiencing it for yourself? Did prom feel magic & transformative or did those expectations strike you as hype?
If you don't participate in prom this week, please complete the assignment based on your experience of NOT participating, your plans for future (non)participation, and based on interviews and digital artifacts of people who went to the dance and/or after-party.
Good luck to everyone going. You can have carnival and still look out for each other in terms of safety and feelings.
Due Friday, May 27 at 9pm.
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